Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care Indoors | How to Grow Geo Plant
Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care Indoors is easy and fun. We go through every detail on how to Grow Geogenanthus Ciliatus Indoors!

Geogenanthus Ciliatus plays a stand-out role indoors with stunning dark foliage. After all, what’s more exotic than the Geo plant in all its dark glory! The glossy foliage is purple and appears almost black in low light. It demands a prominent place, be it your home or office. So without further ado, here is all you need to know about Geogenanthus Ciliatus care indoors.
How to Grow Geogenanthus Ciliatus

Water the Geo plant thoroughly once or twice a week, not letting the soil dry out completely. Being well-adapted to low-light conditions, it’ll grow indoors at any spot, provided you keep it away from direct light. High humidity also keeps it thriving!
Propagating Geogenanthus Ciliatus
Although gaining popularity day by day, you may still be hard-pressed to get your hands on the Geo plant. Check out your local nurseries or any trusted online plant store. You can try your luck at Home Depots, Lowe’s, and Walmart. Once you get your hands on the Geo plant, you can propagate new plants through rhizome division or stem cuttings.
Choosing the Container
Go for a pot at least 16 inches wide and deep, with drainage holes at the bottom. Don’t fret over the material of the pot, as it can be terracotta, plastic, ceramic, or any other. Repot to a container two sizes larger when it becomes pot-bound.
Geo plant is perfect for indoor spaces as it has low-light requirements. Keep it away from direct sunlight, as that can scorch the leaves. Artificial light is also a good bet, as it won’t burn the leaves. If you place it near the window, keep the drapes closed.
Go for any well-draining generic houseplant mix, and Geo plant will thank you! No need to look out for any fancy ingredients on the label. A potting mix containing perlite, peat moss, and orchid bark will do wonders.
Hailing from the rainforests of the Amazon, it’s used to humid and wet conditions, and that’s what you need to provide. Never allow the soil to dry out entirely by watering thoroughly twice a week. An excellent indicator of water is when the potting mix becomes dry an inch or two below the surface.
TIP: Water as soon as you see any signs of wilting, as it wilts when watering needs are unmet. It’ll bounce right back once you fulfill the watering needs.
Temperature & Humidity
Geo plant will grow best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees F. It won’t survive if exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees F. Dry indoor air will also affect it adversely, so keep the surrounding air humid. Misting frequently, locating it near a humidifier, or placing a pebble tray filled with water near the base of the plant are some ways to raise humidity levels indoors.
Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care

Although pruning isn’t absolutely necessary, it helps create that bushier look. Make sure to use sharp and sterilized tools to cake cutting. Wait for winter to end before you decide to prune.
Use a well-balanced liquid fertilizer diluted half to its strength during the active growth period. Cut back fertilizing in winter as the Geo plant becomes somewhat dormant. Do not overfertilize, as it can burn the rhizomes.
Pests & Diseases
Apart from common pests such as aphids, mites, thrips, and mealybugs, nothing much affects this plant. You can handpick these pests or wipe the foliage gently to get rid of them. Improper drainage or overwatering can cause root rot, so make sure pots have drainage holes.
Geogenanthus Ciliatus
Geogenanthus Ciliatus is safe to keep around pets and children as it’s a non-toxic houseplant!