11 Succulents with Pink Flowers to Add Color
Pink succulent blooms are a true delight! Check out these amazing Succulents with pink flowers that’ll cheer you up.
Succulents with pink flowers add color and liveliness to any home interior. Pink has always been a color of love, peace, and playfulness, making pink flower succulents perfect for special occasions. Here are some of our favorite succulents with pink flowers to add color and fragrance.
1. Crown of Thorns

Botanical Name: Euphorbia Milii ‘Dwarf Pink’
Crown of thorns is a stunning succulent with woody stems and pretty flowers. The dwarf pink cultivar of Crown of thorn bears adorable pink flowers and grows only 12-18 inches tall. Beware while handling the plant, as the sap can irritate the skin.
2. Baby Sun Rose

Botanical Name: Mesembryanthemum cordifolium
Bright pink blooms and thick succulent heart-shaped leaves make Aptenia cardifolia attractive. It can grow in full sun to partial shade but will bloom profusely in full sun. Being a low-growing creeper, Aptenia is a perfect addition to hanging baskets.
3. Rock Purslane

Botanical Name: Calandrinia spectabilis
Poppy-like blooms of rock purslane come in bright purple and pink hues. The bluish-green foliage is also a stand-out feature of this pink-flowering succulent. Thriving in full sun and having low-watering needs, rock purslane has minimal care requirements.
4. Delosperma Cooperi ‘Pink Carpet’

Botanical Name: Delosperma Cooperi
Pink carpet is a perennial evergreen succulent that makes an excellent ground cover. It blooms mainly in summer and fall with pink blooms and has interesting needle-like foliage. Like other succulents, it won’t tolerate wet feet and thrives in full sun.
5. Mexican Peacock Echeveria

Botanical Name: Echeveria peacockii
Rosette of bluish-gray leaves with reddish tips of Echeveria peacockii adds drama. Lantern-shaped pinkish to coral flowers grow on flowering stalks that tower above the rosette. Indoors place it at a spot with access to direct light for optimum growth.
6. Morgan’s Beauty

Botanical Name: Crassula’ Morgan’s Beauty
Morgan’s beauty Crassula is a prized possession for gardeners, with silvery blue foliage stacked on top of one another. Blooming in spring, the clusters of tiny fragrant flowers come in a beautiful shade of pink.
7. Deltoid-leaved Dewplant

Botanical Name: Oscularia deltoides
Pink ice plant flowers profusely, covering the silver-blue foliage during the flowering season. It’s a hardy succulent that thrives in full sun to partial shade. Also, the blooms attract butterflies and other pollinators.
8. Kalanchoe Lavender Scallops

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi
It takes a couple of years for Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi to bloom; till then, admire the scalloped-shaped foliage. Bell-shaped drooping pink flowers of this low-growing succulent bloom in the spring.
9. Flaming Katy (Pink)

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Pink kalanchoe is a great succulent with waxy foliage having scalloped edges. Apart from pink, other cultivars bear flowers ranging from dark red to orange, gold, and white. The blooms last for weeks spreading color all around!
10. Pink Orchid Cactus

Botanical Name: Epiphyllum’ Pink’
The large, showy blooms of the Pink orchid cactus create instant drama! Blooms can remain open for 2-3 days and, when pollinated, turn into sweet edible fruit. Locate it in a well-lit area with access to bright indirect light.
11. Rebutia Pink Sensation

Botanical Name: Rebutia’ Pink Sensation‘
Bright pink blooms of Rebutia growing over spined cylindrical cactus look otherworldly. Flowers open in the say close again at night, lasting for a few days. It can survive prolonged periods of drought but will not tolerate overwatering.