arrowhead plant care indoors
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Arrowhead Plant Care Indoors | Syngonium Care Indoor

Growing Arrowhead plant indoors is easy and fun! In this post, we discuss arrowhead plant care indoors. Arrowhead is a versatile houseplant with showy foliage and a perfect companion for indoor spaces. There are many Arrowhead plant types from which you can choose the one that fits your bill. Arrowhead plants care indoors is not…

How to grow Hoya Curtisii Indoors
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How to Grow Hoya Curtisii Indoors | Hoya Curtisii Care

Hoya curtisii thrives on neglect and is a great plant for indoor spaces. Learn how to grow Hoya curtisii indoors in a cinch! Hoya curtisii is small compared to other hoya cultivars, which makes it an excellent choice for indoor spaces. Spade-shaped leaves splashed with silver add drama to the living room and office spaces….

how to grow wandering jew indoors
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How to Grow Wandering Jew Indoors | Tradescantia Zebrina Care

Transform any room into a lively garden with this beginner friendly guide to growing the wandering jew indoors. Get detailed instructions on care and maintenance! Botanical Name: Tradescantia Zebrina Common Names: Inch plant, Spiderwort, Wandering dude, Wandering jew Wandering jew is a standout plant that showcases a variegation of silver stripes over deep purple and green foliage….

Prayer Plant Care Indoors
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Prayer Plant Care Indoors | Grow Prayer Plant

Growing Prayer plants indoors is easy and fun. Here is all you need to know about Prayer Plant Care Indoors. Don’t forget to Check out these Prayer Plant Benefits! Botanical Name: Maranta leuconeura Prayer plant is a unique houseplant with foliage that opens and folds as if in prayer to god. This bizarre nature of the…

Jade Pothos Care Indoors
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Jade Pothos Plant Care Indoors | Growing Jade Pothos

Jade pothos is a gem among all other pothos cultivars. You’ll be able to do Jade pothos plant care indoors in a cinch after going through this post. Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Jade’ Jade pothos is a resilient, low-maintenance houseplant that adds a tropical flare to indoor spaces. It’s a perfect plant for novice gardeners…

Baltic blue pothos care indoors
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Baltic Blue Pothos Care Indoors | Grow Baltic Blue Pothos

Baltic blue pothos features attractive foliage with blue undertones. Learn all about Baltic blue pothos care Indoors in this growing guide. Botanical Name: Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Baltic Blue Baltic blue pothos is a stunning cultivar of pothos that features a bluish cast when foliage matures. Apart from the stunning hues, fenestrations over foliage also add to the…

Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care Indoors
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Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care Indoors | How to Grow Geo Plant

Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care Indoors is easy and fun. We go through every detail on how to Grow Geogenanthus Ciliatus Indoors! Geogenanthus Ciliatus plays a stand-out role indoors with stunning dark foliage. After all, what’s more exotic than the Geo plant in all its dark glory! The glossy foliage is purple and appears almost black in low light. It…

indoor plants resistant to sunburn

11 Indoor Plants Resistant to Sunburn Even in Summer

Check out this list of these fantastic indoor plants resistant to sunburn. These houseplants thrive in direct sunlight and won’t succumb to sunburnt leaves. Houseplants that come from the jungle, where they grow under the canopy of the tree filters, are not used to direct sunlight. Thus, prolonged exposure to sunlight causes sunburnt foliage in…

How to Grow Malabar spinach in Pot
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How to Grow Malabar Spinach in Pot | Malabar Spinach Care

Malabar spinach is a hot-weather alternative to spinach! Check out this post to learn how to grow Malabar spinach in the pot. Botanical Name: Basella alba USDA Zones: 7-11 Common Names: Ceylon spinach, Climbing spinach, Gui, Acelga trapadora, Bratana, Libato, Vine spinach, Malabar nightshade, Malabar spinach Malabar Spinach is commonly found in India and is named after the Indian…