11 Indoor Plants Resistant to Sunburn Even in Summer
Check out this list of these fantastic indoor plants resistant to sunburn. These houseplants thrive in direct sunlight and won’t succumb to sunburnt leaves.
Houseplants that come from the jungle, where they grow under the canopy of the tree filters, are not used to direct sunlight. Thus, prolonged exposure to sunlight causes sunburnt foliage in some houseplants. Leaves and stems showing light tan to white discoloration signify sunscald. Lucky for you, there are indoor plants that hardly get any sunburn, even in summer. So without further ado, here are the indoor plants resistant to sunburn!
1. Jade Plant
Botanical Name: Crassula ovata
Thick paddle-shaped leaves of the Jade succulent plant make a statement in containers. Also, once mature, the woody stems give jade a tiny tree-like appearance. South-facing window or balcony is the ideal spot!
2. Aloe Vera
Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller
Aloe vera loves bright light and won’t get sunburnt even in summer. Place it on the windowsill, balcony, or outdoors wherever your heart desires.
3. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
The snake plant is among the toughest houseplant and can survive in the brightest rooms and darkest corners. The thin and long variegated leaves not only stand upright but stand out as well.
4. Croton
Botanical Name: Codiaeum variegatum
Croton would be among the top contenders if there were a prize for stunning and unique foliage. Vividly marked with bright yellow, orange and red, it showcases a rainbow of vibrant colors. The ideal place for Croton is nearby a sunny windowsill!
5. Hibiscus
Botanical Name: Hibiscus
The large and attractive hibiscus flowers blooming indoors are a sight to withhold. Not only is hibiscus resistant to sunburn it needs sunlight to bloom. So make sure to find the sunniest window in your house for hibiscus.
6. Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum
Another flowering plant on the list is this vining stunner requires trellis support to grow. The sweet nighttime fragrance of charming white blooms makes Jasmine a winter delight. Good air circulation with bright light is the way to go for Jasmine.
7. Geraniums
Botanical Name: Pelargonium
Hailing from tropical regions, geraniums are fond of the sun and bloom under direct light. There are many types of Geraniums, including vining and hanging baskets types.
8. Basil
Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
Basil is an ideal specimen for your indoor herb garden used in delicious cuisines worldwide. Place it near a sunny window, such as a south-facing window where basil receives plenty of sunlight.
NOTE: Parsley, chives, and cilantro are other herbs resistant to sunburn.
Also Read: How to Grow Basil in Pot
9. Hens and Chicks
Botanical Name: Sempervivum tectorum
The attractive rosette is formed by fleshy and pointy leaves of the succulent hens and chicks. Making a great houseplant, it rewards with fierce hues in full sun.
10. Mexican Snowball
Botanical Name: Echeveria elegans
Mexican snowball is also referred to as hens and chicks but differs from sempervivum. Greenish-blue fleshy leaves bear long pink stalks with attractive pink flowers.
11. Papyrus
Botanical Name: Cyperus alternifolius / Papyrus
Also known as Umbrella grass, it’s a vigorous and bushy growing plant that thrives in full sun. It requires a lot of water and somewhat wet feet to remain happy.