Calathea Orbifolia Care | How to Grow and Care Calathea Orbifolia Plant
Brilliant and Breathtaking Calathea Orbifolia is ideal for small spaces. Learn how to care for Calathea Orbifolia by checking out this detailed grow guide!
The highly attractive foliage of Calathea Orbifolia will certainly keep onlookers’ eyes glued to it. The leaves can grow to about a foot in length and sports highly attractive patterns. Commonly grown as a houseplant in pots, it can complement any indoor setting from home to office. Calathea Orbifolia care is not difficult, and you’ll be able to grow it in a cinch after going through this post!
Scientific Name: Calathea Orbifolia
How to Grow Calathea Orbifolia
Propagating Calathea Orbifolia
You can propagate Calathea Orbifolia from division or from seeds. The most common method of propagating it is from division as getting your hands on the seeds is a bit difficult. Propagating Calathihea Orbifolia from the division is possible but can be difficult, especially for novice gardeners. Buy the baby plant from any nearby nursery, garden center, or any online gardening store if you don’t want to go through the trouble of propagating Calathea Orbifolia. But if you already own a Calathea Orbifolia it makes sense to propagate the plant by division.
Propagation by Division: The best time to consider division is when the calathea orbifolia outgrows its previous pot and needs repotting. This way, you’ll be killing two birds with a single stone that is repotting and propagating through division. Ideally, you’ll want to divide the plant in springs as this is the season when the plant shows new growth. Carefully take out the plant from the pot, gently get rid of the excess soil sticking to the rootball, and divide it using a sharp knife. Ensure that you divide the rootball carefully and do not damage the roots in the process. Plant the new division in a pot that contains a well-draining potting mix. To reduce stress on the plant, amend the potting mix with some soil from the mother plant. Water well and allow the excess water to drain from the bottom of the pot.
TIP: To create greenhouse-like conditions, cover the plant with a cleat plastic bag till you see new growth!
Finding that perfect spot for placing Calathea Orbifolia can be a little tricky. Under the direct sun, the foliage tends to lose its signature pattern, whereas too little sun affects the growth adversely. Ideally, you should place the plant near a well-lit window with drapes so that it receives plenty of medium indirect light.
Too much watering will turn the soil soggy, which can cause root rot and untimely death of the plant. Water when the soil is dry an inch below the soil’s surface, which will keep the soil moist but not overwatered. Yellowing leaves and brown tips indicate improper watering and usually mean that you aren’t watering enough or too much.
Well-draining soil rich in organic matter that holds some water but does not turn soggy is ideal for potting. You can buy a good quality potting mix from the nursery or any online garden store or make it yourself. Mix one part perlite and one peat moss or orchid bark and add two parts potting soil to the mix. When the water stops to drain freely it indicated peat has become compact so amend the soil with peat again in such conditions.
Temperature ranging from 65 degrees F to 75 degrees F is ideal for growing Calathea Orbifolia. Although it loves the warmth it’ll survive in temperatures as low as 55 degrees F. If the temperature falls to 50 degrees F, protect the plant by bringing it indoors and placing it at a warm spot.
Calathea Orbifolia Care
If you live in humid regions, you are in luck as Calathea Orbifolia thrives in humidity. Place a pebble tray near the pot will help raise the humidity levels or you can use a humidifier. Humidity levels are usually high in the kitchen and bathroom, so to give the plant a boost, locate it in there from time to time. Misting the leaves will also help raise the humidity levels!
Prune back the dead and decaying parts of the plant so that it can redirect its energy to newly growing leaves. The bushy foliage grows on single stems and has minimal pruning requirements. So pruning is one less thing you’ll need to worry about!
Calathea Orbifolia isn’t a heavy feeder and requires monthly fertilizing during the growing season. Use a well-balanced fertilizer diluted half to its strength, or use a quarter of the quantity mentioned on the label. You can also organically enhance the quality of the soil by using aged compost or fish emulsion.
Pests and Diseases
Spider mites, scales, mealybugs, and aphids can cause severe damage to the plant if left untreated. Get rid of these pests by spraying neem oil solution over the plant or using insecticidal soap. Overwatering can cause root rot, so water to keep the soil moist but don’t let the soil turn soggy.