13 Pink Arrowhead Plant Types You Will Love
Check out these Pink Arrowhead Plant types that stand out indoors and outdoors!
Pink arrowhead plants come with varying levels of pink variegation depending on the variety. Neon robusta, Confetti, and Pink splash are popular pink arrowhead plants. Check out some of the best Pink Arrowhead plant types in this post.
Also, check out if arrowhead plants are toxic to cats!
1. Neon Robusta
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘Neon Robusta’
Make a statement in the container by giving Neon robusta a prominent place in your living room. It’s a stunning pink arrowhead variety whose foliage turns completely into a beautiful shade of dusky pink as the plant matures. Initially, the foliage is distinctive arrow-shaped but becomes multi-lobed with time.
2. Pink Splash
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘Pink Splash’
Vibrant pink splashed over the green foliage adds to the ornamental value of this pink arrowhead. It’s a fast-growing Syngonium that’s low-light tolerant and can grow almost anywhere.
3. Confetti
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘confetti’
Add a vibrant green and pink pop by growing a Confetti arrowhead plant. The striking green foliage has pink blotches all over it that appear to be a work of art.
4. Bold Allusion
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘bold allusion’
Bold allusion has light pink hues mainly concentrated along the veins of the platter-shaped creamy green foliage. Being a relatively slow grower and remaining compact, it’s a perfect companion for indoor spaces.
5. Berry Allusion
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘berry allusion’
The light green foliage of berry allusion is flushed with pink and red hues. It’s similar to Bold allusion, except that leaves have more green, and pink is not just concentrated along the veins.
6. Strawberry Ice
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘strawberry ice’
It’s a showy pink arrowhead that showcases one of the most stunning variegations among all Syngonium cultivars. Foliage features a mix of pink, red, brown, and white hues!
7. Maria allusion
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘maria allusion’
The new growth of maria allusion comes in adorable baby pink. As it matures, the foliage takes a metallic bronze and green sheen, a show-stealer.
8. Mango Allusion
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘mango allusion’
Mango allusion has small pointed heart-shaped leaves with pink venation. The leaves are yellowish-green and make a great addition to containers and hanging baskets.
9. Strawberry Cream
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘strawberry cream’
It’s a delight to watch strawberry cream grow as the creamy pink foliage turns green with age but with pink venation. For bushier growth, pinch back the new growth or train it over the moss pole to keep it upright.
10. Julia Allusion
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘julia allusion’
Julia allusion is flushed with unique coppery pink hues over pale green foliage. Be it office desks or tabletops, nothing beats this pink Syngonium as it’s a compact plant.
11. Pink Flecked
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘pink flecked’
The whitish green foliage of pink flecked has pink splashed all over it. Being a light-colored variety, it contrasts well with dark walls in the background.
12. Milk Confetti
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘milk confetti’
It’s an adorable arrowhead variety with creamy green foliage and spots of pink variegation all over it. Thriving in low to bright indirect, it does not prefer direct sunlight.
13. Pink Perfection
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum ‘pink perfection’
Pink perfection is a popular pink Syngonium with deep pink foliage. It’s less tolerant of low light than other Syngoniums and prefers bright indirect light.