How to Propagate ZZ Plant | ZZ Plant Propagation
ZZ plant is a popular and resilient houseplant. Learn how to Propagate the ZZ plant in a cinch with these three propagation methods!

Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Common Names: Zanzibar gem, Zuzu plant, Eternity plant, Emerald plant, fat boy, Aroid palm
ZZ plant is a popular houseplant that requires minimal care and is a boon for forgetful gardeners. You can propagate the ZZ plant from stem cutting, leaf-cutting or division. This post discusses all three ways to propagate ZZ Plant in Detail.
Also see this post on How to Grow ZZ Raven Plant!
1. Propagate ZZ Plant from Stem Cutting

The best time to take ZZ plant stem cutting is spring and summer. Here is the step-by-step tutorial on how to grow ZZ plants from stem cuttings.
- Using a sharp knife or shears, take a cutting that’s 4-6 inches in length.
- Place the cutting in a glass filled with clean water, ensuring that leaves do not come in contact with water.
- Locate the cutting at a warm spot where it receives bright indirect light.
- In 3 to 4 weeks, the roots will start to grow, during which period, change water weekly.
- Wait for roots to develop a couple of inches long before transplanting to a well-draining potting mix.
You can also grow ZZ plant cutting directly in the potting medium. Go for a well-draining potting mix containing peat moss, coco coir, and perlite. Plant the cutting in the potting mix and keep it moist through regular watering. Cover it up with a transparent plastic bag to create a greenhouse-like effect. Make sure to poke some holes in the sheet for air circulation. Soon, you’ll be rewarded with new growth!
2. Propagate ZZ Plant from Leaf Cutting

Another easy way to propagate the ZZ plant is from leaves. Like stem cutting, leaf-cutting has more chances of successful rooting in spring and summer. Propagating ZZ plant from leaf cutting is easy, and here is how you do it!
- Choose a healthy leaf and snip it off as close to the stem as possible.
- Fill a small glass with water and put leaves in it.
- Make sure that only the bottom part of the leaves is submerged in water.
- Locate at a warm spot with access to bright indirect light.
- The root will start to form in three to four weeks, during which period change water weekly.
- Once the roots are a couple of inches long, transplant them into the container.
TIP: Take multiple leaf cuttings for propagation, as not all leaves will develop rhizomes and roots.
To grow ZZ plant leaf cutting directly in the potting mix:
- Take multiple leaf cuttings.
- Choose a well-draining basic houseplant potting mix and plant leaves 1 cm deep in it.
- Keep the mix consistently moist but do not overwater.
- Be patient, as leaves take anywhere from 2-3 months to be ready for transplanting into new pots.
- Propagate ZZ Plant from Division
3. Propagate ZZ Plant from Division

ZZ plant develops rhizomes that store water and nutrients, which is why it’s a low-watering need. You can divide the ZZ plant rhizome and roots to give birth to a new ZZ plant. This process is called crown division and is an easy way to propagate the ZZ plant.
- Carefully lift out the mature ZZ plant from the pot, ensuring not to damage the roots.
- Shake off the old soil or place the rhizome clump under running water.
- Pull apart the clumps by hand or use a sharp and sterilized knife.
- Plant the divisions into new pots filled with well-draining houseplant potting mix.
- Locate the pots in warm spots with bright indirect light away from direct sunlight.
- Water weekly to keep the potting mix moist. That’s it!
TIP: Wear gloves when handling ZZ plants, as the sap can irritate the skin.