10 Succulents for Office Desk to Spruce up Your Office Space
Succulents are no fuss plants and thus are perfect for the office. Check out these office desk succulents to transform office spaces.
A plant companion on your office desk brings calm and serenity to your work. Succulents are an excellent choice for office desks as they require minimal care and are forgiving. For the office desk, you must choose small and slow-growing succulents that can survive under low light. Here are the top picks of succulents for the office desk!
1. Zebra Plant
Botanical Name: Haworthiopsis fasciata
Zebra plant is an adorable succulent with bumpy white stripes on the outer surface of aloe-like foliage. Growing only 4-5 inches tall, it can survive medium to low-light and requires little watering.
2. Gasteria Little Warty
Botanical Name: Gasteria cv. Little Warty
Little warty Gasteria handles low-light conditions with ease and is a perfect succulent for small spaces, offices, shelves, and windowsills. Small cream-white bumps cover the thick and vibrant foliage of this stunning succulent.
Also Read: Plants for Shallow Pots
3. Jade Plant
Botanical Name: Crassula Ovata
Bring luck to your work with the Jade plant at the office desk, as Jade is considered to bring luck and fortune. Thick, oval-shaped leaves growing on woody stems give this succulent a mini-tree-like appearance. It can grow under any lighting conditions but only bloom in bright indirect light.
4. Hens and Chicks
Botanical Name: Sempervivum spp.
The offsets grow on runners around the attractive center rosette of this succulent. Be it poor soil or drought; houseleeks can survive anything, making them a beginner-friendly succulents.
5. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
Snake plant is one of the hardiest houseplants out there that can survive almost anything. Thin and long strap-like foliage grows upright, giving it a striking appearance. It is perfect for office desks located away from sunlight as it can survive under low light.
6. Sweetheart Hoya
Botanical Name: Hoya kerrii
It also goes by sweetheart Valentine hoya because of the thick heart-shaped foliage. It’s a slow grower and shows almost no signs of growth for years before new growth. It can tolerate low light and is a low-maintenance indoor succulent.
7. Mistletoe Cactus
Botanical Name: Rhipsalis baccifera
Thin and cylindrical foliage of the Mistletoe cactus adds an architectural appeal to any space. As it matures, the stems cascade down from the pot’s rim. Partial light to shaded spots is where it grows best.
8. Christmas Cactus
Botanical Name: Schlumbergera bridgesii
Christmas cactus bears stunning tubular flowers in winter, making it a popular indoor plant. It blooms well in bright light but is also adaptable to low light. Unlike other succulents, it prefers moist soil and humidity.
9. Lance aloe
Botanical Name: Aloe aristata
Parent Lance aloe bears offsets which makes it easy to propagate and share. Growing only to 8 inches tall, this dwarf succulent is a low-light tolerant variety of aloe.
10. Burro’s Tail
Botanical Name: Sedum morganianum
Gracefully arching stems covered with thick, lush green leaves of Burro’s tail look exotic in a pot. Locate it on the office desk close to natural light for adequate growth.